Tuesday, November 17, 2015

"Take on the World with a smile on your face!"

So... We had word yesterday of there being lots of bloodshed in France. My heart goes out to the people in France they are in my prayers and thoughts. Have there been storms in Virginia because I saw an article of how the church is helping with supplies that are needed. You kinda really don't hear much of what is going out here like not much at all. You hear everything is fine when you kinda know there are somethings that you all may be going through. But I pray for you all that you may have strength and that you may be guided by the Lord. 
With this cold day today - it's a little windy outside, it reminds me of the true darkness and cold that there is out in the world. And just as we are inside, outside we can hear the trees hitting the side of the house and can see the wind and some flurries in it. If it were not for the coldness we feel in here we would not know there is a little storm outside. In the same way although our lives at the moment are not being directly affected by the calamities that are going on around us we can feel the cool air setting around us. This morning when I woke up at 5:00am again I turned on the little heater we have because it was chilly. 

Yesterday during sacrament meeting I glanced next to me to see a Sister we went by to see two weeks ago. She sat next to me and I was surprised. I did not see her earlier. I hugged her and I could feel how weak her spirit felt. As we sang the hymns I could hear her breathing as when a baby does after crying, inconsolable. We both sat at her sides and she thanked us and said she loved us. We have come to realize that everyone around us is in need of a helping hand, a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen. And who can provide that? We can. As in you and me. Look out and seek opportunities to reach out to others.

As my companion and I were discussing yesterday the only thing that brings us hope and strength is the gospel. YOU KNOW WHAT? It is also a time of happiness because we can be comforted through Christ's atonement. We can have happiness as we stay optimistic and look to God. 
I like an article I read from the Ensign it had the following tips:

In being optimistic we were told to laugh in the mornings. I have tried and I feel funny doing it. So I try giggling so my companion won't hear. But I guess I'll do it right, haha starting this week.
My companion has helped me notice and see even the smallest of blessings. And I can feel God's love. We are finding many opportunities to serve :) How can we find these opportunities? By seeking them out! There are many ways to help and everyone needs that help. Heavenly Father knows. He is aware of all things. We just have to have faith and trust, and have hope that there are good things to come. 
Although it is now super windy and snowing now. I can keep calm and bundle up in my coat. The warmth comes through the gospel. Joy :) 
 A quote I like from the meeting we had with Elder Russell M. Ballard was the following:
"Take on the World with a smile on your face!"
As it was said to us I extend this invitation "Be Grateful and energetic and take on the world with a smile on your face. 

Enjoy every moment. :)

Hermana Mena